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Showing posts from December, 2009
4 day never post. Can't blame as i working early in the morning at 4 am and have to wake up at 3 am. Tired. Update from yestersday ba. 30122009 Woke up at 3 am. Bath everything and headed to work. Work till 12 am. Didn't talk to Weiliang for few 1/2 day already. Cause he too vuglar. Home, eat and sleep awhile. Bath and went to work to take otah for dhoby ghuat. Cab to tampines MRT to meet sister and headed to dhoby ghuat. Weijian at there. He bully me again. Xiao di give me one box, not real one. Between us got a glass. Weijian scare i beat him , he quickly lock the door. Head to tampines back with sister and mum. Waited for boss to pick us up and headed to joon chiat to buy thing. Me and sister went to eat roti prata while they buying thing. Cab home after that at 6 plus pm. Use computer for few minutes and sleep all the way to morning 5.30 am. 31122009 Woke up at 5.30 am. Bath and headed to work. Work was okok nahs. Weiliang did talk to m...
Update again :D Woke up at 4.35 am. Bath and headed to work. Weiliang came to pack Nasi Lemak at 6 am. Ask him say slowly what he want and he purposely say fast fast. Serve him can die. Business was bad. Love came at 11.30 am. He is late for half an hour. Ask him not to touch my Lunche Meat but he still touch. Off work. Went to Yes SuperMarket to buy some bread and sour plum. Suddenly feel like eating sour plum. After that to out coffeeshop wait for mum to off work. 12 pm, mum off work. Went to Weiliang 's Mum shop to pay those goods. Weiliang wasn't there but Weijian is there. He call me 肥婆, i call him 肥公. He keep asking me to show him my phone. Opposite auntie came to ask my where is Weiliang . LOL Weijian say my face and ear red. Weiliang came back. Weijian ask to see my phone and wink at weiliang. Weiliang  ask him issit want my number. So funny please. After that Weijian quickly run away cause he know that his mum going to ask him ...
Let update ~ Mixed Feeling 24122009 Work at 4 am as mum when to hougang to celebrate 4th Aunt birthday. Woke up at 3.20 am. By right should be 3.00 am but last night i work till 10.00 pm. Tired as i only have 2 hour plus of sleep. Work till 10.30 am. Work was fun. Love came at 10.30 am. He bought drink for all of us. When i told him i going home, he look at him with that *WHAT* face. Everytime love bought drink for me, he have to force me to drink but you know i don't want him to buy for me cause he need to save for wedding. Yes, he going to marry on January. Why i know? Cause i talk to boss about it that he want to take off for 3 day on January. Home and eat. Sleep till 3 / 4 plus pm. Watch tv till mum is back. Mum pack curry rice from bugis. Eat and sleep till 7 plus pm. Watch tv till 9 pm and went to bath. Bus to Tampines Inter and train to dhoby ghaut with sister. Thought of finding ahliang and etc but shop close. Train to orchard. Reach there...
Woke up at 4.30 am. Dam freaking tired please. Work at 5 am. I wore grey colour while that rascal wore dark blue. But still boss say we still couple. Cause i wore light colour while rascal wore dark colour. Awwww. You know what that rascal say when boss say we are couple? He say okay lur you say what is what lur. So funny please. If i were him , i will denied all the way right? But he didn't. Just like yestersday he laugh while taking the stock. I wonder what he thinking? I really want to know. He like to bully me. Just like today. He want to pack Nasi Lemak and he choose those dishes. He say so fast till i take wrong dishes. Still say i stupid. Work was fine. Time pass quite fast. Love came late today. He seem no mood. I'm hurt please. He seem to ignore me. He don't feel like talking to me. What i done? He should know whatever he done/say will effect me. When he no mood = me no mood. His mood = my mood. What should i do? ...
LET UPDATE ! Today woke up at 4.30 am. Work at 5 am. Today again wear smae clothes with him. And kana disiao by mum and boss. Laugh. Mum say we issit plan together waer what colour clothes. LOl. He say i crazy woman. Sad die me. Boss ask me to pack those stock. So i say to weiliang : OI, quick lahs. So funny please. Tomorrow gonna wear pink clothes cause he don't have pink. Work till 2 pm. Dam tired. I sort of angry with love . I don't know why. Pack food for small sister and me. Home and eat. Sleep from 3 pm to 7 pm but still kind of tired. Wake up bath and use computer. Wrap those item as i need to post them out. 6 month 12 day, feeling is still as deep as the sea.
Baby, i just need one hearts. Just one hearts, that is your hearts. I feeling moody again. I read a story and it make me moody. Here the story: 今天期中考,学校早一点放学,我打了通电话给他。    我:喂,我今天比较早放学,你来载我回家好不好?    他:好,等我五分钟。    我:五分钟?我学校就在你家旁边耶。   他:我总要打扮一下啊。    我:好啦,快一点喔。   下午2:00,太阳大的让我有种冲动想喷鼻血,我站在树荫下挥动着手,虽然没凉到哪里去,但是煽总比不煽好。   五分钟过了,他还没来,我看看手表,有点不高兴,十分钟过了,他还没到..,该不会出了什么事吧? 呸呸呸...乌鸦嘴,十五分钟过了,他总算到了。   我:怎么这么慢?    他一副无所谓的样子说:没啊,看个电视。   什么?看个电视?你要不要顺便睡个觉洗个澡吃个饭再来? 我没有说话,没有拿安全帽,没有上车的瞪着他。    他:对不起。    这是他第一次对我说对不起,他是一个很大男人主义,爱面子的男生,所以他从不像女生低头说对不起,我看着他,好吧,似乎面有惭色,我带上安全帽,让他载我回家。    他总是这样,从来不解释,不争论,不跟我吵架,只跟我说对不起,有些事,不是一句对不起就能解决的,但是他都跟我道歉了,我也就没再追究下去,他说,我是第一个让他说对不起的女生。    认错需要很大的勇气,但是他从来都没有改进他的错误,对不起反而变成一种打发我的话。在他说第59次对不起时,我流着泪,低下头说:你不要再跟我说对不起了,如果你无法改变,就不要让我给你一次又一次的机会,相信你会改变。他轻轻的拥着我,说了第60句对不起。    虽然如此,他还是没有改变,不做任何的解释,我开始怀疑他是不是有事瞒着我。    我:你最近怎么了?    他:没有啊。    我:那你为什么心情不好?    他:没有啊。    我:又是没有啊,你除了这句话以外没有别的吗?你知不知道我很担心,很没有安全感,你到底有没有当我是你女朋友?    他:...对不起。    我:我不要听你说对不起。    我挂了电话,他也...
Sorry didn't update as i was too tired. 14122009 Woke up at 3 am for work. Prepare and went to work at 3.30 am. Work quite slack as i done almost everything. At first the weiliang wear same colour and clothes with me. After that become grey. He scare wear same colour with me. You know why? Cause everytime kana disturb by my boss and some people. We alway wear same colour clothes lor. We didn't arrange to wear same clothes. So funny. I disturb boss with that auntie that their previous life is couple. Really lor. Boss say don't disturb him and that auntie or he disturb me with weiliang. Don't went mama told me that weiliang's mum like me cause i hardworking keep work. Opposite auntie who sell those noodle, laksa all those tell mum about that. Hahas. But now i don't know as something happen before. Tell mum about it that weiliang suddenly change to grey clothes is it because he scare wear same colour with me? She laugh. Work till 12 pm. Home...
I'm here again. Mood wasn't very good. Woke up at 4 am as the shop late open. Not we late open is the owner of the coffeshop late open so everything is late. 4.30 am reach work place. Business wasn't good too. Around 6 am, weiliang came to buy Nasi Lemak. I asked him want eat here or packet. He say i ask extra lor. Sad die me. Pack finish, he ask me how much. I say you want pay how much then pay nor. You know how much he give? 20 cent. -.- He wanted to give more after that but it okay la. Finally he talked to me as in lot of sentence and let me serve him. Oh, he soo gay please. Finger nail soo long. 10 am, love came. Love seem like no mood and didn't talk to me. It make me no mood too. Work till 11 plus am. Pack Nasi Lemak. Home and sister order KFC. Have ny share too but due to too full i save it for dinner. Sleep till 4/5 plus pm. Bathed and use computer i think. 7 plus pm, make my KFC hot and eat it. Eat already continue use computer. ...
I'm here again. Gonna update everyday without fail. I trying to keep it alive. But if i really busy or no time to update, don't blame me. Hmm, today woke up at 4.40 am. Should woke up at 4.30 am but lazy. Bath all that and went to work. Mood was very good. Cause of love lahs. Love ate the baked rice i bought for him yestersday. Happy from yestersday till now. Weiliang came to sent those goods. He placed it on table and i say which rascal put here. And he use his finger pointing himself and say he is the rascal. Upper cute man. Business for today were bad. 10 am, love came. The auntie say i got mood already ah. LOL I say ya cause i late sleep and wake up early not so tired. Love say i'm a weird person [怪胎]. Sad uhs. Home around 11 plus am. Withdrawn money and bought something from yes supermarket. Bought strait time too. Homed, cook white rice. Sleep till 12 plus pm and watch tv. Ate white rice with peanut and salted egg. Continue watching tv ...
Changed my blogskin. Nice not? =] I thinking of finding job when Chinese New Year is over. Or maybe now slowly find. Love suggest me to go study a course so i could get a job easily. I shall think about it, Today woke up at 9 plus am. Wanted to sleep more but can't get back to sleep. Use computer for awhile. Sweep and mop the floor, wash me and sister blanket and iron my clothes. Done those chore don't till what time. 2 plus pm went to bath and prepare going out. Bus to Tampines Interchange and train to dhoby ghaut. Reached dhoby ghaut and went to the stall own by HUP LEE company which i currently working as part time under their compant located at 201. Went there a few time and even work before. The people over there was fun. Pack 3 packet of chicken baked rice for love , 小馒头 and jenny auntie. Went to buy some crystal while ah meng, the chef preparing the food for me. Total cost of the food cost me $16.50. Actually, ah meng only want to take $12 but i insis...
I'm here to update. 05122009 ; friday Satursday work till 2 pm. Homed, have my breakfast cum lunch. Went down buy strait time and fetch pig pig. She wanted to eat mac. So went to buy. Show her the guy i love. She keeping looking lor. I will jealous de hor pig pig. =< Homed, bath while she eating. Bath finish and begin to find job from strait time. Found some and called but due to too far so cannot. After that when down to yes supermarket as they finding part time cashier but no more lur. Bring pig pig to a shop selling psp all those as they finding people too but due to lot of guy, pig pig scare her boyfriend not happy. Slack and went sushi shop for some sushi and blended ice. After that bring her to take bus. Homed. 06122009 ; Sunday Work till 11 plus am. Homed. Online using phone. People came to install a dk what into the wall, Sleep till dk what time. Use lappy, went down to find mama and eat. Homed, tv and sleep. 07122009 ; Monday Work till 7 ...
i here to rant again. I'm supper angry. don't mama know that i have sensitive skin? and is better not to share cosmectic with other people yet she borrow it to cousin. Everything think of them then me? At work my skin got abit of cooking oil jiu red liao. i have those supper sensitive skin. Watch, earing, necklance also cannot wear if not have rashes and redness. I hate sharing my thing with people. If in that case, i buy again. I hate using people use before item. Ccb ! I been cough for few week. Today smama say want buy cough medi for me, end up saying she is busy and need to cook. Everything is important than me. Totally nothin i'm nothing to her. All she know is blame me for everyhing. I'm tired of living.