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Hi .
I haven been updating my blog for about 1 week .
I'm getting lazy uhs .
But also no ppl read my blog so what for i update ?
Give ghost see ?
Ok larhs .
Today woke up at 3.30 am as i have to work at 4 am .
Work till 8 am & home .
Went 264 to buy lor mee & tea for her .
See i so good .
Raining till go buy for her .
Home-d & use lappy .
Sleep till 12 plus pm & decide to skip class today .
So use lappy again till 2 plus & went to bath .
Meet second sister to eat MAC .
Went home & continue use lappy .
Sleep awhile & went to work at 6 plus pm .
Work was fun cause got ♥ marhs .
Work till 10 pm .
Buy food for Stupid small sister & home .
Yesterday see lot of mummy blog & i bu shuang this mommy .
Cause she write in her blog till she is the most wei da mommy .

This is what she blog :
Friday, May 1, 2009

I guess majority SG teen mums are hopeless already.. I was blog hopping yesterday and see alot of teen mums blog.. There is one there act pai kia and going out everyday, wheres the baby? Naturally her responsibility become OTHERS responsibility.

A few like those gamers, i dont know how the hell they find the time to game, her baby is just 3mths and im sure not much difference from mine and i dont even have time to game now except for occasionally 10mins when hubby back home to help me pacify Rislin when she cries.[ Ya, not much time to game but alot of time to view other people blog & comment them in your blog ! ]So i presume must be.. MUMMY BABY CRY LIAO I PLAYING GAME.. Enuff said.

Another kind is leaving their not even 2months old baby with parents while she goes overseas with her husband?[ they leave their kid with their parent & go oversea also need care ? Or you jealous that they have the money to go oversea & got ppl take care their kid ?] And keep in mind that shes only 17 or 18 with TWO kids.[ Age 17/18 got two kid got wrong merhs ? ] I mean your 1yr+ girl i understand.. But your not even 2months baby?[ Two month so what ? They have parent to takecare for them what ] Shouldnt you be giving her your best care and the best breast milk?[ They want breast feed their kid is their choice ? So kaypoh for what ?] And her husband is only going NS this year..[ Going NS this year got wrong ?] so i take it that her parents are full time paying for them both?[ The husband is still working while waiting to go in ] Since your parents is still supporting you, shouldnt after your first kid you should be closing your legs? [ Close or open leg also want care ? OMG larhs . ]

Maybe i dont judge on the pay wise of her hubby but i cant even bear to leave my baby alone for 30mins..[ You can't bear cause nobody look after for you marhs . ] How come she can go overseas when her baby is not even 2 months?[ Want go oversea also must see kid how many month old merhs ? ] And still got the cheek to say she misses them?[ Why can't she miss her kid ?] And where is the best AS A MUM she should be doing?

Occasionally leaving your child with your mum to enjoy is ok.But most of the blogs im seeing, wa camwhore self, camwhore with sis, camwhore with frens. WHERE IS YOUR KID?[ Camwhore with who but not with baby dosen't mean baby is not with them . ] Eaten by big legged monster ar -_- To me they are like 100% go out but only 10% or less bring kid along only.[ You don't know the fact . So shut up ] And some more power.. Baby sick still can go out. WOW.. Shouldnt you be taking care of your sick child instead and you can fan xing to go out while your child is sick?[ No matter their parent go where also will bu fang xing the children derhs ]

Most of the teen mums which i blog hopped are VERY irresponsible i would say.. Not saying im a saint or what. But the baby is theirs, they born it, its THEIR responsibility.. Not others.. The only few responsible i would say is Amulet Mummy and a few others i didnt list.. But I applaud her courage and selfless as a mum.I find her respectable and is my "idol".

Another case of hopeless mum which i found from my friend` s friendster,I will not post her picture up even if i blurred it as respect. She was carrying her less than 4mths or 5mths the most baby in a arcade. The head is not even stable, and shes at a arcade where the noises is VERY LOUD. [ The parent want bring them to where they want also need care ? ]

So what is she doing there posing the picture so happily?To make her daughter ear deaf? Who will suffer if it affects her hearing..? The girl le, not the mum..

Tuesday, October 14,2008

-1 to DH= When i want to have sex you always give me a kind of look when i want to arouse you or flip my panties at you to tease you. You never had wanted sex with me even before pregnant and it just gets worst to worst and you can give me the excuse that you are tired, you hate it that i want it long etc, its just LAME EXCUSES..[ You soo ugly till your husband also don't want fuck you . OMG ! Go see mirror larhs . Pity your husband lehs .]

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oh ya, and at the gynae hubby say 3yrs then kanna like suaning himself liddat, then doc say at least shes pregnant, then he say 3yrs just to kanna.. and gynae said maybe problem lies with female -_-.. SO GREAT RIGHT? and i`m only 18.. my problem? my foot lol[ Married for soo long then pregnant . OMFG ! Your husband see your face till can't have the mood to fuck you . No wonder need so long to make you pregnant ]

Want eat ajisen also must save money .
Poor you .


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