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I'm getting lazy to update .
How uhs ?
LOLs .
Let me update from friday uhs .

School as per normal .
Home-d at 12.30 pm .
Once reach-ed home, i immediately went to sleep .
So freak-ing tired .
Wake up at 6 or 7 plus pm .
Audition till 8 plus pm then went to change clothes .
Continue playing till 10 pm & went to sleep .

Work till 2 plus pm .
Boss keep desiao me .
Zzzz .
Boss treat me eat western .
So good right ?
After that went home, wash clothes .
Audition till don't know what then bath .
Continue audition & off to sleep .

Work till 2 pm .
Off home without having my lunch .
was supper dupper angry .
Home-d & use lappy awhile .
Told tian xin nuer to change time .
Cause we agree to play together at 3 pm .
But i wish to sleep first .
So i say 4 pm but she say 5 pm .
So okay norhs .
But i sleep till almost till 5 pm & woke up .
I stuck to the bed .
Too tired to get out my bath .
Help mama hang clothes & off to bath .
Then audition with nuer .
Found myself an couple .
Me, my couple, tian xin nuer & her couple plan to go escape theme park next week .
Hohos .
I scare .
10.30pm watch my ghost show but sit at television infront till 11 pm also don't have .
Went to sleep after that .
Around 12 plus pm, both sister kpkb-ing cause my phone keep vibrating .
I felt irritated too so i off the vibration .

Woke up at 5.30 am .
Have to work till 10 am .
I have receive 105 msg from my audition couple & two from audition friend .
LMAO lehs .
Work till 10 am & off i went home to bath .
10.30 am went down to pei mummy shop around 201 .
Shop till 11 am & went home .
I went home cause i stomach pain need toilet .
11.15 am walk to mama shop to wait for them .
Dam windy lorhs .
Cab-ed to school cause if take bus will late .
Okay larhs, now i gtg cause cannot use liao .

Edit-ed Post *

Now 3.23 pm .
I having OFC lesson now .
Just now at 2 pm having BPF exam .
Mark counted .
I scare will fail cause i feel alot of question i done wrongly .
I just now so angry !
Cb .
Talk to someone just now .
She can see me & don't want reply me .
Angry siahs .
Cb !
Cb !
I hate it okay .
I hate when i no mood & someone tap me or talk to me .
I having moodswing whenever i in the school .
Ccb .
Okay Okay, stop the vulgarity .
Chill down Catherine Heng Yee Ling !
Later meeting Tian xin nuer at eastpoint for dinner .
Hohos .

Edit-ed Post *

Now 10.50 pm .
I just woke up .
4.30 pm end-ed lesson .
Bus-ed to eastpoint .
Talking to an audition friend all the way till i reach simei & saw tian xin nuer .
Eat student meal at don't where .
The student meal got cheese baked rice, ice cream & ice lemon tea .
While eating the cheese baked rice, i realise they forget about my ice lemon tea .
LOLs .
Eat liao then shop around .
7 plus pm then bus-ed to 201 .
When to find mom .
I asked where she & she can reply me she at singapore ._.
Find her & back together .
Watch-ed tv with mom & we both fall asleep .
Sleep till 10.30, dad called me wake up say 7 am liao .
LOLs .
My mom when back room sleep never call me wake up derhs.
My audition couple just spammed 68 msg to me .
105 msg + 68 msg equal 173 msg liao .
Okay larhs, end till here .
Byebye ♥

I read a story .
I read lot of time but my tear would just roll down my cheek .
It a sad & touching story .


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