May all your wishes come true.
Sister, we have been together as sister for 7 Month & 10 Day.
From Stranger to Sister without being friend.
You came to my blog, knew that i'm a baby lover and tag me saying you are baby lover too.
After that added each other in Facebook and continue chatting through facebook msg.
From Facebook, we chatted till msn and we exchange number.
We are sister for 7 Month & 10 Day but we never meet for once.
We still don't know how each other look like in Real-Life.
When i have some problem and need someone to talk to , you the one who will listen to me and give me advise.
Thank for everything, sister.
Sometime you make me feel that i'm irritating to you.
You make me feel that maybe i should not bother you and leave you alone.
[No Offence]
Will update tomorrow if i'm not tired.