HI everyone . ;D . today work till 2 pm with mom . Actually mom work till 4 pm but she unwell so one auntie take over her . ;D . Actually i take over but i have exam . If i don't have , i also don't want . ;X . So have lunch with both my sister , boss and mom . ;D . We sat outside a coffeeshop . Me and second sister was quarrel-ing but it was fake derhhs . She stare at me so i say see what see @#$%^&*()_!@#$%^&*() . [ forgot ] . Beside us , there was an uncle and auntie [ both was couple ] was eat-ing . When i scold my sister see what see . Just nice the uncle see-ing at us . So the auntie said how do i know he see-ing us unless i see them . BHB . Then i say [ in a loud voice ] i talk-ing to my sister right . Then i went to find mom as she was buying food for boss . Wanted to tell her . When i left the auntie ask-ed my sister some question . _l_ . BHB sia . Who want see them . Also not handsome or pretty . -.- . So 3 plus head-ed home and bath then audition . Playing with COUPLE . ;D . After that he went to have his dinner . And i msg-ed me and ask-ed want to marry in audition . So he promiss to last forever . I hope so . I was so scared and nervous . So i ask-ed him to try a few round before marry . My hand was wet while playing . -.- . And 6.37 pm we married . ;D

We pass for the first try . ;D . This was the second time i married . ;D . After that play with him till he went home then continue playing again . While waiting for him , i pump zhanming till he online . Zhanming have lvl-ed . GRATZ . ;D . My COUPLE was trying to complete his story mode but it was hard . ;D . Nevermind . He can do it . And now i'm her to blog before i go to sleep . Bye ;D
EveryOne Do Cherish Your Love One Before You Regret .

We pass for the first try . ;D . This was the second time i married . ;D . After that play with him till he went home then continue playing again . While waiting for him , i pump zhanming till he online . Zhanming have lvl-ed . GRATZ . ;D . My COUPLE was trying to complete his story mode but it was hard . ;D . Nevermind . He can do it . And now i'm her to blog before i go to sleep . Bye ;D
EveryOne Do Cherish Your Love One Before You Regret .