Today did went to school . ;D . So lesson as per normal . Lucky it rain , if not need to run 2.4 km . As for the last period suppose to be english but teacher was not around so we went to computer lab . After school , me and tian xin wait-ed for a guy . Tian xin know him through audition and he is the same school as us . Then went to tampines mall to wait-ed for my sun zi . But he's older then me . LOLs . Went to buy ticket for money not enough 2 . We watch-ed 1.30 pm de show so went to shop as there is still 30 minutes to 1.30 pm . After that went to buy popcorn / nacho and went in to cinema . Money not enough 2 should be cry-ing but i was laugh-ing as sun zi , tian xin and another guy was cry-ing . ;X . Then walk-ed home with tian xin . ;D . Later then post more . Bye .
Edit-ed Post *
Mom de sister came to our house . Mom forth sister ask-ed me to find song for her . I did find but i do not know how to change to message tone . As her phone is nokia and it is in chinese . And she say me stupid . Fucker . _l_ . Finally they went home ;D . Mom forth sister keep touch-ing me . OMG . MOLESTER !!!!! -.- . Sian . Must go sleep lerhhs . Mom force me to sleep . zzzz .