I'm back . Just came home not long ago . ;D . Work as usual . Boss going to watch Money not enough 2 with his daughter and wife . And i ask-ed him how about his son , he repli-ed me his son is watching with me . -.- . Is he trying to make me and his son together ? no barhhs . And he know i like to play computer and his son too . ;D . His son is 18 / 19 year old lerhhs . He said when i and his son marry and the first night of marry , we should at room ' AHEM ' right ? Then me and his son make alot of noise . End-ed up we playing computer game till make alot of noise . -.- . funny right ? And a customer was dam ... larhhs . I told her to put the spoon outside the table but she never and i scold LAO CHEE BYE in a soft voice . Xiao di hear it and see me . I tell him to SHHHH . LOLS . I'm dead . After work went to have lunch with mom . Me and her finish work together , of course eat together larhhs . -.- . Then went home bath and prepare to cab-ed down to bugis for a movie . Actually watching Money not enough 2 but only 9.15 pm available so we decid-ed to watch MUMMY . ;D . So we bought 6.45 pm derhhs ticket . While there is lot of time so we went to eat and shop . And i accompang my mom into a wallet shop while my both sister went to washroom . A guy puting his hand on his hip and the shop is quite small larhhs stil lput the hand on the hip to block more space . So my mom knock-ed into him and continue puting his hand on his hip . So i say infront of him that the shop is so small lerhhs and my mom knock-ed into him then still put hand on his hip . And he stare at me . What i say is the fact . Even my sister agree with me . And we went into a shop which sell shoe and bag . A girl say me that i will expose myself . SIAO . Althought i wearing long tube but won't so easily expose myself . I expose at least got thing give people see not like her totally FLAT . FUCKER . Quite fun and angry today . ;D . It time for our movie . The movie was quite nice and scary . I got scar-ed alot of time . For those who have heart attack , please do not watch it . Mom want-ed me to lent her my shoulder as she want to sleep . But i don't want as my shoulder , arm and back was pain . Finish-ed movie and cab-ed home . While on the cab was quite angry cause a fucking fat quy want to stead with my small sister but she don't want so he find problem with my sister . He jio-ed me and i reject-ed so he go jio-ed second but also kana reject-ed , now he want my small sister . FUCKING UGLY and FUCKING FAT still want jio girl . Look in the mirror larhhs horhhs . CB . And reach-ed home and saw this guy who is my neighbour was fucking angry too . That day he scold my sister for nothing and his friend who was with him stare at her . So mom know it and talk to him . If is me , i have scold-ed him . Yes , i did scold-ed him too . But i'm still angry . Okay , i shall end here as i have to work tomorrow . BYE . ;D