Today i didn went to school as school was celebrat-ing national day and offical open-ing . And I have a funny dream . I dream that i was pregnant and i'm married with a nice hubby . He's so caring and don't let me take anything . When we were shopping , he hold me tight as not to let me fall cause i was pregnant . What a nice dream . Then my mom call-ed me but i ignore it and continue my beauty sleep . My dream have gone by a call . T.T . Wake up at 11 plus am then audition-ing . Then ask my second sister to cook maggie for me . At first she say don't want , in the end cook for me also cause she also want to eat . She ate 2 packet and me 1 packet . LOLs . I ate abit and throw it away cause she put too much water till no taste . But i ate cheese hotdog instead . Very oily . eeee . Then put clothes into washing machine to wash and off i went to play audition . Then i hang the clothes and second round washing . Then audition again . 4.3o pm , watch doraemon in youtube . I LOVE DORAEMON . kekes . Then i felt headache and feel like vomit-ing so went to rest but no use . I feel like vomit cause i drank green tea barhhs . Everytime i drink will like that derhhs . Then my second sister woke up and scold my small sister for us-ing .
Second sister : [SHOUT] oi , i want to use the com one lehhs . who call you use .
Small sister : Ok .
She dam shelfish larhhs . While she sleeping can't let small sister use merhhs ? So i told my mom then she at there quarrel with me . So mom talk reason with her . End-ed up quarrel . Second sister say she unreason-able in a loud voice . They talk talk talk until mom was angry and beat her . then blablablablabla . [ Lazy to remember & type ] So second sister call-ed dad to come back but end-ed come back for nothing . And my phone bill bomb again . It was $ 185 . Mom want-ed to cut of line but i say must give me time derhhs . Lucky . But but is i pay derhhs lehhs . Why must they care ? Especially dad , i work and pay for it , why must he scold me ? IDIOT . And i watch the channel 8 , 7 pm . Quite nice . I cri-ed . Precious tear uhs ? And and now i blogging . The end . ;D . Bye .