Yo . ;D . Today woke up at 5.20 am . Quite tired but still have to work . Yawn ~~ . During work was quite angry larhhs cause an auntie who work with me can't heard what the customer say as the background was quite noisy . Then the customer raise her voice . The customer is lady . So i was quite unhappy with it . So i say to the auntie [ work with me ] that why she must raise her voice ? The background so noisy , ask again won't die marhhs . Then the lady stare at me larhhs . FUCKER . Lucky i can control my temper if not i scold her lerhhs . And and i fell down . -.- . The floor is slippery . And my mom , boss and One more guy [ xiao di is what we call him ] laugh . My butt hurrrrtttt . Not only them and my two sister too . They sat outside still can laugh . Wa lao . MALU siahhs . Then 2 pm went to eat and off to work again . My work end at 2 pm but just to accompany mom . The auntie went home and another auntie came at 4 pm . Then Xiao di dad came to find him and they sat at a table . The auntie ask me go sit with them to talk . I know what she mean . She want me to talk to my father-in-law . Siao . Xiao di 21 year old lehhs . 4 plus pm i went home . Reach home i audition . ;D . My Audi Couple help me to do story mode . Now got grey thing on my character head . And don't know he sent one more heart . -.- . Anyway maybe i will mia from Audition , Blog , Msn , Friendster and my Lappy due to my eyes . It become more swollen . It dam obvious . So must rest more . But i think won't MIA derhhs . Can't i can't live without my Lappy and Audition . T.T . Okay larhhs . End here first . Maybe at night then continue blog . BYE . ;D
I ask-ed my mom to buy a cake to celebrate 3 year anniversary of my Mens / Period but you guess what she repli-ed me ? She say buy a red cake uhs ? -.- .