I Need Your Love .

My Life Without You Is Blur
Yoyo . Today didn't went to school . But tomorrow must go school . Promise tian xin lerhhs . If not go out with mom derhhs . She off for today and tomorrow . Today she went out with her sister and tomorrow is for me to go out with her . LOLS . Wake up saw 11 msg 1 miss call . ;D . 2 from joey , 1 from audition friend , 8 and 1 miss call from spider . LOLS . Woke up at 9 plus am ? Watch Tv and brush teeth . Then iron a basket of overload-ed clothes -.-'' . Mom say buy breadfast for me but she didn't . Then she come to me with a cup of instant noodle , ask me want eat this . My heart totally sad and i cri-ed abit . She promise me to buy but didn't . Nevermind . Hmm , iron till 4 or 5 plus pm . Today Tian xin nuer seen so cold toward me . D; . Spider want me couple back him . That time break , he promise not to break again . And if he break again , i won't give him anymore chance . This is what he say but now he want me back . How many hurt do i have to get from you ? He even please me back . And i found out he and joey is more like a friend . Joey msn nick wrote ' hubby iloveyou . spiderman no hair ! haas . (spiderman) bud love hubby most .. LOLS ! ' . How do you want me believe you ? Even tian xin say joey 2 timer . One is current stead and second is Spider . I really don't know what to do lerhhs .
Edit-ed Post *
My dad scold me . _l_ Cause i ask sister to buy thing for me . But she didn't return me money . I gave her $ 10 to buy my thing . Then i take money back from her . Dad scold me . I say i take back money if not tomorrow no money go school . Then he diam diam . Then after that he gave me $ 10 . LOLS . I want my ' SOMEONE ' back . T.T .