LALALALAs . Surprise marhhs ? I so early jiu blog . -.-'' 5.16 am , baobei call me . He wish me good luck for exam . LOLs . At first i thought 6 .16 am . Nevermind . We chat . If i'm not wrong , he say marry him if i fail my exam . LOLS . Then he kup and awhile call again . kekes . He say he com-ing my house at 5 plus pm to give ring . Diaos . He even ask my sister what ring size i wear . LALALALAs . Then kup and msg me . He say do my best for my N lvl . If i do my best , he give me another surprise . ;D . LALALALAs . After that can't sleep back . Then want-ed to revise . Revise abit jiu use lappy lerhhs . ;D OKay larhhs , i want go study lerhhs . Bye .
Edit-ed Post *
Meet jackie at 7 am . Then went to mac to have breakfast . Long time bo eat mac derhhs breakfast . LOLS . then about 7.30 am jiu slowly walk to school . 8 am to 9.15 am was science paper 1 . It was easy . Finish the paper by 30 minutes . Then sleep . I kana scare by the bell ring . T.T . Then paper 2 9.15 am to 11 am . LOLS . Hard siahhs . I got lot of blank blank . Then went to sleep but can't sleep . Finally get to sleep again wake up by the bell ring . The bell scare me lot of timr . T.T . Sure flunk badly . Then went tampines mall shop shop . Went food court to have my QOO drink . I love it . QOO / coconut a day keep you alive . ;X . Then went CS . Tian Xin want see thing . I saw this at tm . Really nice .
Love This For Month
I bite tian xin . ;X . LOLS . Then went mac eat lunch . YUMYUM . I love it . Nono , I hate it . Then quickly rush to school . Math paper from 2 pm to 3.30 pm . Joey was late and i'm worry . Lucky she came . Maths was easy . My maths deprove . 9 minus 4 , i put 3 . ;X . Then 30.6 divide 2 , i put 25.3 . But lucky last minutes i found the mistake . Then went home . LOLS . Use lappy . About 5 plus pm bath . Bath until half , sister shout say jie i think your baobei come liao . I scare tio . My heart beat dam fast . But lucky end up is her friend . PHEW . ;D . Then continue lappy . About 8 pm accompany mom to see doctor . So cab-ed to 400 plus but it close , Then go fair price and cab-ed home . ;D . Done . Bye .