Hi . ;D . Today try to wake up at 6.30 am but i'm too tired so wake up at 7 am instead . YAWN ~ . Reach-ed school at 7.35 am . I know tian xin and zhi ying won't reach school so early so i call-ed joey to ask her where she and meet . We meet at a block opposite the school . Then went other block to find herly . They smoke . -.- . I cough-ing and flu yet joet blow at me . -.- . I'm not feel-ing well lerhhs . This morning i keep cough-ing and want-ed to vomit . Then my mouth got taste of blood . -.- . Somemore small sister give me see a dead baby hamster which have not grow hair . The baby hamster no head de . Kana bite by mother hamster . This make me feel like vomit-ing . -.- . About 7.55 am , i tell joey it time to go back to school as the paper start at 8 am . But she don't care . So we was late for 5 minutes . Lucky the teacher bo bar us from taking the exam . MAY GOG BLESS ME PLEASE . Spent 1 hour doing the paper and 30 minutes to sleep . There one letter writing asking us to write our superstar is who . It can be friend or family member . I write my mom . I almost cry by last sentence i wrote And went canteen to eat . 10.30 am another paper . It was hard but manage to finish and sleep . ;D . After that went to have KFC . kekes . Then went cs de second floor to use lappy . It was heavy siahhs . Regret bring-ing it . zzz . Then 2 pm went to find mom . Almost cry again . Hais . it ok .
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Now 9.22 pm . Just wake up not long . ;D . Joey dam irrat-ing lehhs . Spider online then she msg me that spider online . I know he online derhhs . I in audition also marhhs . zzz . Since she know that i with spider couple , she keep say about spider derhhs ex infront of me . So what ? Ex niahhs . Big merhhs ? _l_ Satursday is joey birthday . She going Sentosa to celebrate . She ask me to call spider go . She say will call his ex go also . Why she keep say-ing about his ex ? She say if spider don't go , she call her ex beat him . She ask-ed me to go too . I work-ing lehhs . She say after work . By the time i finish-ed work , i already dam tired to go out lerhhs lorhhs . She call-ed me don't go work cannot merhhs . I not like her be chicken jiu got lot of money lerhhs . Plus now N level lehhs still wan't go out play . It time to study lerhhs . Go out work and stop tak-ing your parent money . I work since i was secondary 1 . Although it tired and i try to give up but think you spent your own hard earn money will be happy right ? And at least you know parent work hard just to let us have thing we want and to spent . I don't mind tell-ing people that i work in a COFFEESHOP . At least i work for money and not steal , rob , cheat or what larhhs . I get-ing dam unhappy already .
Now 1.20 am lerhhs . Just watch finish 命中注定我爱你 . It is really a nice show . After watch-ing it , i feel that being pregnant , being a mother is not easy . Although it not easy but i guess mother will alway want and get the best for their child . ;D After watch-ing this show , it make me feel not to be a mother , not to have a child but i still wish to be pregnant and be a good mother . ;D .